646f9e108c An Italian policeman goes undercover to break up an international heroin smuggling ring and butts heads with a hot-tempered Interpol agent assigned by his agency to do the same task. A cold-blooded cop (Fabio Testi) goes undercover to take down an international drug syndicate, but when Interpol agent (David Hemmings) joins the investigation, the case takes a deadly detour into depravity and violence. Can the two tough detectives trapped in a criminal underworld stay alive long enough to ignite a citywide massacre?. Brash cop Fabio (a sturdy and charismatic performance by Fabio Testi) goes deep undercover to take down an international drug syndicate that specializes in trafficking heroin. Things are complicated when volatile Interpol agent Hamilton (robustly played with fierce no-nonsense intensity by David Hemmings) joins the investigation. Director Enzo Castellari, working from a compact and complex script by Galliano Juso and Massimo De Rita, relates the absorbing story at a brisk pace, maintains a tough, gritty, and cynical tone throughout, further spruces things up with amusing moments of cheeky humor, and stages the action set pieces with considerable rip-roaring brio (a daring robbery in a police stationwellthe shoot-outs in a chemical plant and at a construction site all ratedefinite exciting highlights). Testi and Hemmings both excel in the lead roles; they receive sound support from Joshua Sinclairsmooth head dealer Gianni, Wolfgango Soldatitwitchy addict Gilo, Sherry BuchananGilo's concerned girlfriend Vera, and Romano Puppoa brutish enforcer. Giovanni Bergamini's glossy cinematography provides an impressively slick and stylish look. The pulsating score by Goblin hits the funky-throbbing spot. An on the money item. I finally got the chance to see The Heroin Busters and while I thought it was good, I didn't enjoy itmuchI had hoped. Maybe it's another of the cases where I built up a movie to much before I saw it because it wasn't the film I had been anticipating. The Heroin Busters gets off to a good start with a opening credit sequence featuring a montage of scenes highlighting drug trafficking in Hong Kong, Columbia, and Rome set to some nice 80s action-style music. The action sequences in The Heroin Busters are good, but the promised motorcycle and airplane chase big finale wasn't all that I had been led to believe it would be. It's good, but it ran a little too long for me. The action sequence immediately preceding the supposed big finish where Fabio Testi is being chased through the construction site is easily one of my favorite moments in the film. On the acting side, both Testi and David Hemmings are fine in their roles and I especially enjoyed the few scenes they had together. "Few" being the key wordI would have liked more shared screen time between the two. Finally, I never really bought the notion of Testia drug dealer. I knew something was upsoonhe came on screen.
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337 weeks ago